Saturday, January 2, 2010

Devastation of the kings, Peace to the world

Hunger knows no friend but its feeder. Autocracy continued for centuries, acquired the biggest tool of destruction (money), and ruled the world. After the World War 2, USA continued with holding the power of money, trapped the oil fields, converted Afghanistan from 0% to 95% producer of opium (for its own sake), killed its own people in order to get the agreement on “war on terror” and so on. In short it did everything to keep its power alive and strongest. Here the question is “What we need?” What is necessary to bring peace in this world? For this we need to have a hunger free society, no fight for growth of GDP, a carbon free climate, a place where there will be no poverty, no fight for food, growth of humankind will come before the growth of an individual, only sustainable energy sources will be used.
The topic I chose for this blog “devastation of the kings”, says that a great revolution is needed, installation of a whole new system is very necessary. Changing things one by one will not work. To have a kind of society I discussed above, we need a creative destruction. If I’ll get a chance to be in the place of god for sometime I would like to do three things; first, destroy America, because I think them as the root of all the wrong happening in this world, they enslaved people for centuries and filled revolt in their minds, which spread hatred. Second, I would wash the memories of everybody in this world and put in their minds, that there is nothing called religion, actually exists. Third, I would burn all the oil reserves present in the world, because necessity is the mother of invention. When their will be no source of energy, people will automatically tend towards finding new sustainable resources in order to satisfy their needs.
I know the things I said can’t be converted into action but it passes a message that, for a long survival something big really needs to be done.